Gospel shaped people

If you grew up like me (which you probably didn’t do particularly, but maybe more so generally), you had no idea who Jesus was or how much God really loved you. I went to church most Sundays, was very involved in serving and then helping lead our youth group. But I was clueless as to who God was or the wonder of the Gospel. God used my parents’ divorce and moving 850 miles away from every friend I knew to bring me to places that he wanted me to be.

It was in this season that God began to shape my life with His Word, new friends, and a good dose of suffering. I would have even said that I was a Christian but I was still trying to earn God’s favor and love by my good deeds. I still wondered if he loved me when life wasn’t going well. It wasn’t until I had failed in my own goodness enough that the Holy Spirit drew me to a place of deep surrender, trust, and peace. This was where I began to see the Gospel shape me. I believe it is in real surrender we find incredible Gospel hope.

So how has God shaped you with His Gospel? Do you find yourself still trying to be good enough for His love and care? Or are you living out of His great love in peace and hope by the power of the Spirit? This is what I hope many of my friends will begin to understand: without surrender to Jesus, marked by repentance and faith in His finished work, there is very little real hope in this life and certainly none in the next. But with it, there is great hope in both!!!

For my Christian friends who have already surrendered to Jesus, let’s begin each day with hopeful surrender in His sovereign plan and mercy for each moment. That this might mark a Gospel movement in each of our lives is my prayer for any and all who hearken to the voice of Jesus in His Gospel.

Let me know if you have questions or comments or things you would like for me to blog about in the coming months.

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